Today I want to share with you my recommendations when it comes to books on DIY beauty products.
I have dabbled for years in making DIY beauty products and the books I talk about have been very helpful!
So if you’re interested in making your own DIY beauty products whether it’s face cream, deodorant, lotion, or makeup then these are some good books to get started on. I know we have Pinterest and blogs but there is so much out there that it can be a little overwhelming. With a book, you have all the information in one place and it’s useful to have a reference point or ideas and information to experiment with and to get started.
Let’s start with the one that I find most helpful and most interesting, that if you had to choose one book then this is the one that I would buy.
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okay – I love all of these companies anyways, and you will too!
It’s the Organic Body Care Recipes by Stephanie Tourles.
It has a very extensive and very detailed ingredient dictionary in the beginning so for example if you want to use sweet almond oil, you know it’s properties, its uses and any possible substitutes which can be extremely helpful when you’re making DIY products because sometimes you want to experiment with something when you find a recipe and maybe don’t have all the right ingredients. The other thing I really like is that on each recipe you have the ingredients, what it’s recommended for, what skin type it suits, how long it takes to make, tools, how to store, and the yield.
The second book I recommend is The Natural Beauty book by DK, the authors are the experts at Neal’s Yard Remedies, which, if you live in the UK then you’ve probably heard of as they are a natural beauty product company that’s been around since the 80s. So if you are a visual person this is the book for you. It has a very comprehensive photo dictionary of ingredients, and apart from all the natural beauty recipes it also includes massage techniques and makeup tutorials.
Book number three is The green beauty guide by Julie Gabriel. Ok, I have to be honest, this book scared me but it also was very interesting to me as well. It has a lot of very thorough research on ingredients and what you might want to avoid but be warned! Once you read this you’ll probably never look at makeup or beauty products the same again! It really opens your eyes as to what is being used in what we slap on our faces on a daily basis!
The other thing that I really like about this book is that it gives you DIY recipes but it also tells you if you don’t want to make your own products, what you can buy that is relatively safe. It is a really good reference book and especially if you’re someone that is thinking of maybe dabbling in DIY beauty products but also want to become a more conscious shopper when it comes to beauty products and not necessarily going into making everything yourself but just educating yourself and finding out about new companies that make safe products.
Last but not least is this interesting book: The recipe for radiance by Alexis Wolfer. It’s not a very comprehensive book when it comes to DIY beauty recipes but I thought it would include it in this list because it has a really interesting idea behind it. So basically what Alexis did is she took different kinds of skin and hair concerns she paired them with something to apply so a DIY recipe, maybe a mask or a compress, and something to eat.
Do you have a favorite DIY beauty book that I didn’t mention? Let me know in a comment below!
I’m always interested in reading more books like these 🙂
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